“Reps (or staff members of the Sales Centre) were not confident in selling these ‘Power Plans’. They were uncomfortable with answering queries from customers.”
That was about it. Now go and develop a training programme that meets the needs of the Team.
Now, if you have read my earlier article on ‘Training: A Panacea of Organisational Pain?”, you will have realised that ‘Go and See’ is a big part of what I advocate. Because as much as Management likes to believe what they want to believe, the issues are deeper than what appears on the surface.
In addition, when a manager gets too close to the action, it is sometime difficult to see the forest from the trees and s/he may be seduced by what s/he wants to hear. It is always good to have a 3rd party to give a second opinion.
I avoided defining my role as a “Training Consultant” but took on that of a “Performance Consultant” – a helicopter view. These were what I found:
• The critical Power Plans had many concepts that nobody really know. Over time, the Business Team developed sub-products, e.g. Nominated Number, Frequently Called Number, Calling circle, and then Calling Group. None of these had written definitions and resided in the heads of team leaders; some ‘older’ leaders remembered but no one had a reserve of all information,
• In some plans, there was no clear expectation as to the number of allocated phones under Nominated Numbers. As the creator of the services moved on, the rules were non-existent,
• Some plans, e.g. the Extension Calling Plan, were hardly used and not documented. Hence, when a customer rang, no one, including the back office, knew what to do,
• The processes were unclear and confusing. Reps could choose whatever code they felt were appropriate to put into the system,
• When a rep forgets to input tandem numbers into the plan, a requirement for the Power Zero Plan, customers were charged the full rate when a different rate should apply. Net of it? Angry customers,
• Frontline procedural documents were not owned by anyone. Hence, documents were never updated.
To go ahead and train based on the information that we had would have been a disaster. There was a need to do more preparation work before training. This was not really a ‘People’ issue; this was a process and knowledge bank issue.Hence, we completely overhaul the procedures and knowledge bank.
• Marketing provided clarity across the terms for the various Power Plans. Where things were unsure, we kept digging,
• The knowledge bank was then cleaned and tidied with the new information in it, including very clear definitions and business rules,
• Some plans had to be removed and others streamlined. The greater the complexities of Power Plans, the more problems we anticipated.
With these steps, we were ready for training. But this was more of a ‘Knowledge’ training and main job of the training designer was to make it simple through conceptualisation, that is, arranging all the concepts in a simple manner for all to understand. A skilled training designer must possess this ability.Training took place in September. When we did a ‘Before’ and ‘After’ measurement of the plans, we were able to attain Kirkpatrick’s Level 4 challenge on ‘Return on Investment’. We collated the numbers and ensured that they were not skewed by marketing events. Thankfully, there was only one event which we could ‘control’.
Susan was impressed. In fact, with the Farm Plan, a lucrative product, the jump was practically from zero. Although November had a dip as we moved into Christmas, the overall total numbers was up from 96 in August to 204 in Oct. Below is a table showing the true achievements:
There is always more to training than meets the eye if you choose not to be a post-box.